• How much is shipping?

Shipping prices are calculated by weight and go through the United States Postal Service.

  • How long does processing take?

We aim to ship your orders as quickly as possible, with most orders being packed and processed within 1-4 days.

  • What is your return policy?

Typically, we don't do returns unless there is a flaw with your product; if you have any issues with your order then feel free to contact us and we will do our best to work with you to make it right!

  • How do your sizes run for clothing items?

All of our items fit true to size & see our sizing chart for any questions on the fit.

Custom Projects

Have a custom project you need done for something unrelated to what we do here at Opsec Gear? Not a problem! We do custom work for all kinds of events, groups, businesses & teams through our partner business, GI JAX! Visit the website for a full list of items that can be customized for any need! GI-Jax.com


Whether you'd like to request a custom order or if you'd like help with your selection, we're here to help! Feel free to email or simply fill out the form and we will reach out as quickly as possible.


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